º Los Alcázares

Monday to Friday 09:30 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00 - Saturdays from 10:00 to 13:30

The National Assembly of the UNDEF fills the streets of Los Alcázares with music and tradition

2 Mar 2022
The National Assembly of the UNDEF fills the streets of Los Alcázares with music and tradition

This weekend has been full of festive events, music and brotherhood enjoyed by more than 600 festeros from all over Spain. The events and activities began on Friday and were closed on Sunday by the mayor of the municipality, Mario Pérez Cervera, the president of the UNDEF Pepa Prats, and the president of the Incursiones Berberiscas, José Luis Giménez.

 On Friday the assembly began with the conference 'The Moors and Christians festivities in the Region of Murcia' and a round table discussion on the future of these festivities. This was an important topic as, in a few weeks, next 14th April, the Berber Incursions, one of our most traditional and well-known festivities, will be celebrated again in our municipality", explains the mayor of Los Alcázares.

 Saturday was also an emotional day as the music of the charanga (brass band) livened up the streets and terraces of the Paseo de la Feria. In the afternoon, the festive concert and the parade attracted the attention of neighbours and visitors who wanted to enjoy the celebration from balconies and streets and share the festive feeling. 

On Sunday, the UNDEF Assembly took place in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall of Los Alcázares. In the most institutional act of the weekend, the baton was handed over to Mariola Galiana, the Councillor for Festivities in Elche, the town where the next meeting of the National Union of Moors and Christians Festive Entities (UNDEF) will take place.

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